About US

Last updated May 09, 2022

This is our story.

Our team is based in Shanghai, China.

Hu is the one of our team who come up with this idea at first. He worked in an oversea property agency years ago and he found that he could visit the developer’s official website but almost all the videos were hosted in Youtube which had been blocked in China.

Those videos were very important to sell these properties, but the developers could not do anything to help the sales.

LU is a friend of Frank’s and the head of a development team with a lot of experience in internet. he was told this idea by Hu in a home party occasionally and soon a capable team were quickly assembled. LU arranged the whole developement procedue and tested this product in every detail to make sure it was ready for launch.

Wang is a very senior backend developer, he finished almost all the most difficult coding work, Magiclamp could not be an available service without his effort.

Zhang is a smart front-end web developer, Magiclamp is very user-friendly with his excellent work.

We will continue work on this and we hope it can help you get more business opportunities in China.